Announcing Uniqify: A ReactJS App for Removing Duplicate Characters - My GitHub Octernship Project

Announcing Uniqify: A ReactJS App for Removing Duplicate Characters - My GitHub Octernship Project

I am excited to announce that I have completed Uniqify, a Duplicate Character Remover app that was part of the GitHub Octernship program. Using ReactJS, I was able to develop a two-screen app that allows users to input values and delete duplicate characters.

Throughout the project, I made use of several useful React hooks, including useRef, useNavigate, and useLocation. useRef helped me reference elements and store previous values, while useNavigate allowed me to navigate between screens. Additionally, useLocation proved to be particularly helpful, allowing me to pass state values from one page to another.

While the project presented a few challenges, I was able to overcome them using various resources and techniques, such as debugging tools and online forums. The project proved to be a great opportunity to further develop my ReactJS skills and learn new concepts, such as using React hooks for navigation and state management.

I did not make use of any external libraries or components in this project, but I followed the provided README file to ensure proper setup and functionality. The README file also included detailed instructions on how to run the project locally.

Overall, the Duplicate Character Remover project was a valuable experience for me, and I am grateful for the opportunity to participate in the GitHub Octernship program. I look forward to utilizing what I've learned in future web development projects.

#GitHubOcternship #ReactJS #Uniqify #DuplicateCharacterRemover #WebDevelopment